Saturday, January 03, 2009

Back in the Spotlight

Well, well, well - whaddya know? Our boy NasTim has returned to the headlines as the new year gets under way, thanks to the literary-hoax roundups prompted by the unmasking of yet another memoir-faker. The Tim Barrus/Nasdijj story has gotten itself star spots in at least two lists of "top ten" frauds, in Time and on the ABC News site.

I hope this little reminder of scams past doesn't cause too much angst for the poor troubled boys over at Too - God knows they have hard enough rows to hoe as it is, sad little imaginary imps. NasTim really loves putting them through their paces, coming up with ever more harrowing traumas for them to savor.

Meanwhile, he's also found the time - remarkable for someone supposedly running three shelters on three continents - to once again become something of a fixture on various New York Times blogs. Seems like that would be much easier if one were, instead (and just for an example), oh, I don't know - sitting around a house in North Carolina without much else to do?

Oh - and his rather baffling acolyte, the redoubtable Prairie Mary, is now accusing me of having written poison-pen notes to Barrus's sad little he-nymphs. All I can say, for the record, is: tain't so. NasTim's multiple paranoias can extend however far they like, but that doesn't change the fact that I obdurately remain not Lars Eighner or any of the other "persecutors" he or anybody else have ever mentioned. I'm just a blogger with an interest in truth.