Every time, when after a lapse of weeks or months, I check on in things in NasTim-land, it's all much the same - repetitively, aridly, remarkably so. Recently he posted an absolutely classic-era Nasdijj/Barrus rant on his Open Salon blog, full of invective against publishing, indulgence of his vendetta against improbable target Danielle Steele, and the usual blather, all of which might as well have been published way back in '05 or so, just before LAWeekly first blew his cover. The apparently bottomlessly gullible Prairie Mary continues to indulge NasTim's ongoing fantasies about his selfless service to tragic little waifs (who just happen to lust insatiably for their mentor, but she ignores that). He continues, on and off, to come out with derivative little video bits and pieces, accompanied by the occasional rant or screed. Only one thing has been missing: his targeting of willing donors.
And now that's back.
He's now a partner in something called Art for Humanity, and if you find simply setting fire to your cash too much effort, I can't think of a better way to get rid of some than to mosey on over and follow the link to their fundraising. It's all, we're told, for the benefit of needy children in South Africa (and, somehow, eventually India), but these days I suppose even the struggling retail scene in Hendersonville, NC, can use a buck or two, so if the Grifter Family Barrus need some groceries, why not?
But for those who've never run across this exceedingly minor Internet phenomenon before, all I can say is, take care, and read the tale or two related below by previous willing donors to his little fantasies, and think whether this latest chapter makes any more sense then they did...