Thursday, October 05, 2006

Scandals Literary and Political...

I wonder: what do you suppose NasTim is making of the unfolding story of Mark Foley?

The reality of fetishizing adolescence, at least based on the congressional correspondence we've seen so far, would seem to be considerably less mythopoetic than the fantasy of hanging out with a circle of hyperartistic Greek celebutants. On the other hand, MAF50-something's tender missives seem, creepy as they are, a hell of a lot healthier than the eroticization of abused boys with HIV...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are writing again.

Tell me what you think these people get? From the fetishizing? What is that? and if literature is life, like the way Neitzsche seems to think it is, why write your story like that?