Monday, September 17, 2007

News Flash

Nasdijjfan is not, in fact, Lars Eighner.

More on NasTim's latest, manic ouevre, at some point when I get the energy. In the meantime, I'm really bummed I won't be able to participate in this year's Cinematheque Desert Video Workshop.

But how much desert is there in Hendersonville, North Carolina, anyway?


Anonymous said...

NasdijjFan -

In case you've been missing your Nasdijj fix, he's taken to inflicting...sorry, I mean imparting his wisdom to the world via Virginia Heffernan's blog on the NY Times. It seems that Ms. Heffernan once implied that she did not consider him entirely untalented, and since then he posts a comment in almost all of her posts. And - this is the best part - he made a video for her! Awwww. If she were a troubled young boy I'd say Nasdijj is in love.

Anyway, here's the link to the vid:

Anonymous said...

I called him out on trying to pass off some music video as his own/his pretend apprentice's work, and now he's on some rant about how I'm a closeted gay minister from Kentucky. (Uh, more like boringly straight barista from Chicago, feller) And that this minister is "stalking" him. Pretty funny. Dude loves the idea of being persecuted. Read all about it in his umpteenth repititious blog:

NasdijjFan said...

I saw that rant and wondered what on earth he was on about. It really is getting pretty silly - the kind of fever pitch that usually means something totally different is coming next - I'm predicting he'll soon drop the Cinematheque Films/living in Paris/angry art critic pose and move on to something else.

Meanwhile, I remain entirely convinced that he's never been nearer to Paris than an Au Bon Pain shop at whatever mall is closest to Hendersonville, NC. And that his ego and his paranoia generally run neck-and-neck in setting the tone for his online writings.

On the other hand, it's been fun to see Bane Bianchi pop back up - how much longer 'til we see the rest of the Refuge House gang on the scene? Especially now that he's run back through the whole Friends-with-Mapplethorpe thing again so recently...

NasdijjFan said...

Oops - forgot to chastise you, anonymous, for being a Big Bad Stalker. Join the club...

And I'm glad to see that NasTim's investigative skills are almost on par with his video editing ones.

Anonymous said...

All his YouTube accounts and blogs are gone. Any bets on how long he'll be able to stay away?

NasdijjFan said...

I just hope there's not some poor unsuspecting minister in Kentucky who's in for a Very Bad Weekend.

For someone who's so enamored of causing controversy, he certainly seems to have a very thin skin. I expect he'll emerge again soon enough...